Over the past two years, my passion of oil painting has given me the outlet to express my emotions while dealing with the loss of my mother, a breakup and the hope of future love and happiness.
In my journey, I have been blessed to find my passion in art. Oil Painting has been a pathway to convey my emotions and relax from the stressors of life. Time just doesn’t exist when I pick up a paint brush or palette knife. Life at times can be hard and I try to find the silver lining in every situation; oil painting helps me find a positive perspective and enables me to feel gratitude for my experiences.
In my journey, I have been blessed to find my passion in art. Oil Painting has been a pathway to convey my emotions and relax from the stressors of life. Time just doesn’t exist when I pick up a paint brush or palette knife. Life at times can be hard and I try to find the silver lining in every situation; oil painting helps me find a positive perspective and enables me to feel gratitude for my experiences.