Letting Go (my first youtube video)
Letting Go Original Oil Painting by Christine A. Ryan This painting was inspired by the death of my mom. It was too much to handle at the funeral and I just focused (visually) on a bouquet of flowers in the church. I did take a picture at the end of my mom’s service. Soon after I just started painting. This is the first (and only as of today) painting that I bawled my eyes out after finishing the painting. The paint is very thick (pallet knife) and in person the painting is very vibrant and cheerful. My mom is no…
Read More About Christine A. Ryan
Christine A. Ryan is a mother of two wonderful children. She works full time as an office manager in a family run restoration business that restores antique vehicles (www.rmrrestorations.com). Christine A. Ryan is a New England native and has been living in New Hampshire since she was two years old. At the age of twelve she discovered her love of photography and began taking pictures of family, friends, pets and landscapes.
Read More I thought I was DONE painting the last time I posted this pix. I just couldn’t stop tweaking it! Now I am done!!! I hope my kids like it. It takes up a big wall!!! Lol
Read More My Journey
Over the past two years, my passion of oil painting has given me the outlet to express my emotions while dealing with the loss of my mother, a breakup and the hope of future love and happiness. In my journey, I have been blessed to find my passion in art. Oil Painting has been a pathway to convey my emotions and relax from the stressors of life. Time just doesn’t exist when I pick up a paint brush or palette knife. Life at times can be hard and I try to find the silver lining in every situation; oil painting…
Read More Nashua, NH City Hall – Mayor’s office Jan 2013
7 Paintings were on display 1/2013 – 3/1/13 — at City of Nashua City Hall.
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